Chipolo Blog

Sharing success stories of our users, showcasing product updates and tips that can make your life easier.

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Our special edition Chipolos

Here at Chipolo we believe that every moment, no matter how small, is worth celebrating, so every now and then, we’ll mix the colors up and print a few special edition...

Photo by Alexandr Ivanov importance of colors featured 2

The importance of colors in our life

There is no denying the link between colors and our emotions, and we even have an abundance of idioms to show what way each color can affect your mood.

Why Are My Keys In The Freezer Featured Grande Dd7023Ae 3E0D 4A10 820A 80A43Cca8F48 Grande

Why are my keys in the freezer?

A tale of how my wife, usually the all-knowing goddess became someone that almost forgot my name, all in the space of a week.

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With Chipolo around the world

With all the packing and unpacking I need to be aware of where my most important possessions are at all times. That is where my two lovely pink and yellow Chipolos...

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5 Simple Organizing Tips To Make Your Day Easier!

At Chipolo we’re all about helping people find their missing and lost things, so we checked around the office and compiled a short list of hacks we use and can...

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Reuse, resell, recycle... Just don't throw it away!

They say every little bit helps, and we’re sticking to it and doing our best to minimize our waste. The Chipolo may be the size of a coin, but it can still end up in...