Chipolo Blog

Sharing success stories of our users, showcasing product updates and tips that can make your life easier.

Chipolo Bluetooth spot trackers find my backpack featured 2

Bluetooth vs GPS vs UWB - A short guide

They’re all wireless communication technologies that can also be used to help you find your lost things. But...

Affirmations help find keys chipolo mohamed hassan featured

Quick affirmations to help you find your lost keys

Use these affirmations and help yourself find your missing keys, wallet, and phone more quickly.

Chipolo paragliding story featured 2

User story: Lost car keys while paragliding

What do you think about when you paraglide? We bet it’s not your keys!

There and back again lost luggage before after Chipolo featured 2

There and back again – One lost suitcase’s journey

Did you know that if your flight is full, they can leave your suitcase behind and send it with a later flight?

Cheesy Valentines gift ideas featured 2

7 cheesy Valentine’s gift ideas with a twist! And you won’t have to...

Here’s a list of our homemade thoughtful last-minute affordable gift ideas you won’t have to leave home to do.

Always losing your things why featured 2

Are you always losing your things and keep wondering why?

Losing your things doesn’t equal losing your mind, so before you start blaming yourself think about your general lifestyle.