Chipolo Users' Stories

Sharing success stories of our users, showcasing product updates and tips that can make your life easier.

Adoseofohana lost keys chipolo key finder featured

A Busy Mom Story: Where Are My Keys?

Moms are multitasking superheroes that never get a break. But even they sometimes forget where things are, because kids love to help and usually, they help with the...

Primoz with lost keys 2 featured

A lost Chipolo that found its way back to us

Not our typical Chipolo lost & found story, but with a little patience and some detective work, the Chipolo still came through and found the owner even after a year...

The Chipolo team meets Mafalda 2 featured

Mafalda’s Yellow Chipolo

I don't use Chipolo that often, but when I need it, it's there for me. It’s already helped me find my wallet around the house a couple of times. I think you guys are...


User story: A Keyfinder That Also Finds Lost Jackets

It was funny, because when I found the guy wearing my jacket and told him it was mine, he still though it was his. He was so sure of it, right up to when I rang my...


User story: A Lost Wallet Returned In Less Than 11 Hours!

When I got to the bar and wanted to pay for the drinks, I couldn’t find my wallet. But I just though I left it in the car, it wouldn’t be the first time.

Wallet Found Lovro Rozina

User story: Chipolo Finds A Wallet In 2 Feet Of Snow

How Lovro Rozina, the photographer that makes all the amazing Chipolo pics lost and found his wallet on an Austrian ski slope.