User's story

I found my keys in a tree with the help of the Chipolo key finder!

I had been looking for my keys for the past four days. I even rented a car this morning, because the spare key wasn’t programmed to my car.
Tonight I found them, in this tree, with the help of the Chipolo key finder! 

When I went outside to put the garbage cans back, the key finder alerted me that I was really close to my keys. 

For the past days, when I was looking for my keys inside the house, it was telling me I was 200 feet away, 100 feet away, 40 feet away… But tonight, when I was outside by the garbage can, the Chipolo read 10 feet away. The green button that allows me to play a sound to find the keys had not shown up since the keys had been lost.

When I pressed the green button, I heard that beautiful tone! 

That tone led me to this tree which is in my next-door neighbor’s yard. It is along the route that I walk most mornings. The keys were sitting in between the stalks, branches, of this tree.

It must have been placed there by someone. Go figure. If the Chipolo wasn’t working, I would’ve never, ever, found it! Thanks. I’ll be buying this for Christmas gifts, for sure.

Edwin H.

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