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There and back again – One lost suitcase’s journey

Expected read time: 5 min

If you know anything about the Chipolo team, you’ll know that each January we visit CES, the largest consumer electronics show.

And each year, something goes wrong when we travel. Luggage gets lost, flights are canceled, a few of us can’t be found on the passenger list… We’ve seen it all and by now, we welcome it as a great way to field test Chipolo trackers.

This year it was Tomaz’s turn to experience the ‘lost suitcase, no toothbrush’ experience. But he took it a step further and had his bag lost both on his flight there and back.

He did get it back eventually, but sadly, it was the last trip his suitcase will be making.

There and back again Chipolo team at CES 2023 There and back again Chipolo team at CES 2023

The Chipolo team at CES 2023

A suitcase left behind on purpose

Did you know that if your flight is full, they can leave your suitcase behind and send it with a later flight?

Neither did Tomaz.

He found that out from a friendly representative of the airline after he landed in Las Vegas.

Tomaz did put a Chipolo ONE in his suitcase, but unfortunately, the range of the Chipolo doesn’t span the North Atlantic Ocean, so he just had to wait for an old-fashioned email from the airline when his suitcase finally arrived. Which took 2 days.

There and back again lost luggage Tomaz story Chipolo There and back again lost luggage Tomaz story Chipolo

The way back

If Tomaz had to pick one word to describe the way back, it would be ‘complicated’.

The first change came a day before his departure when his original flight was canceled and he was bumped to an earlier flight. The earlier flight was then delayed so much that he was still waiting for the plane to arrive and pick them up, when they should have already been landing for the connecting flight.

He needed a new flight, but his bag had already been checked for this one.

Solving one problem at a time, he found 4 more people with the same scheduling problem and together they got rebooked on a completely separate flight to a different airport.

There was nothing the airline could do about his bag though. It would be traveling on its own and would come home a little later than him.

There and back again lost luggage before after Chipolo There and back again lost luggage before after Chipolo

And here comes Tomaz’s favorite part: Like in the movies, he got to make a mad dash through the airport, where a plane full of passengers was waiting just for him.

Despite a complete shuffle of his flights, Tomaz made it home on time. Then, he got to watch his suitcase take a trip around Europe with the help of the Find My app and a Chipolo ONE Spot he tucked away inside his bag.

It ended up being quite a journey!

While Tomaz’s trip took him from Las Vegas to Atlanta to Amsterdam to Zagreb to Trbovlje, his suitcase took a different route: from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to Amsterdam to Zagreb and then another detour to Belgium, until it finally landed in Ljubljana. It eventually arrived home in Trbovlje with a shuttle service organized by the Ljubljana airport.

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