Chipolo Blog

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Chipolo wallet tracker dream about lost wallet sheep featured 2

Do You Often Dream About Losing Your Wallet Or Bag?

Dreaming about losing your wallet has hidden meanings that go deeper than just your financial state. Here’s what losing your wallet or purse in your dream can...

Chipolo TV remote finder yellow featured

Find Peace Of Mind In Your Everyday Life

The 2020 lockdown also forced us to take a mental timeout from our usual obligations. It’s the perfect time to ask yourself: ‘Am I busier than I need to be?’

Back to work chipolo key wallet finder featured

Useful Tips For Returning To The Office

We’re slowly resuming our usual work patterns with a new daily essentials checklist: phone, keys, wallet, face mask, disinfectant, tissues. Can you keep track of all...

Chipolo pet tracker why do cats hide featured 1

Why Do Cats Hide?

Cats hide in tight, surrounded spots because it's comfortable and it helps them feel safe. It’s their way of protecting themselves from potential threats while they...

Chipolo pet tracker find my cat yeti featured

Lost Cat: 5 Hot Tips To Prevent Your Cat From Getting Lost

Ever find yourself wondering where your lost cat disappeared, only to find them somewhere they shouldn't even fit into? Here’s what you can do to prepare yourself in...