User's story

Where did I put my keys?

Expected read time: 1 min

Found them! Thanks Chipolo!

Setting up and using this key finder was very straightforward.

The Chipolo app was very easy to download and following the steps to set up the tag was super easy. It uses Bluetooth with no fees. I’m a school secretary and I can’t tell you how many times someone has to borrow my keys to unlock a door or cabinet. Sometimes my keys get left behind in the door, on a shelf or in the classroom. They were once found in the someone’s purse! They even insisted that they didn’t have them. I was able to ring my Chipolo from my phone and lo and behold there they were, sitting in her purse. She obviously didn’t do it on purpose, but I am so grateful that I am able to find my keys or remember them if I ever leave home or work without them.

I’m also thinking of attaching one to my cat’s collar. She just had surgery and she is a grumpy bear and hides either under a bed, couch or closet so that she can be left alone. That’s fine, but when it comes time to taken her meds, I need to find her. This Chipolo tag is small and lightweight that she won’t even notice it on her.

We’ll be travelling next month and I want to put one in my suitcase. I don’t know how well it will work, but if it tells me that my suitcase is on the same plane as me, it’s work is done.

I absolutely love all the features on this Chipolo. The last place and range alerts make this product even more amazing to me! Whether you need it for your keys, phone, purse, pet or other valuables, I highly recommend this Chipolo One Finder.

Review by AllGoodNamesRGone through VINE VOICE

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