Chipolo Blog

Sharing success stories of our users, showcasing product updates and tips that can make your life easier.

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Chipolo Recycle & Renew Program

Chipolo’s Recycle & Renew program allows every Chipolo PLUS and CARD owner to replace their empty tracker with the latest Chipolo model at a 50% discount.

Gift for forgetful people chipolo one finders featured

A Gift For People Who Lose Everything

Losing things is a problem that most of us face every day, but there are some people that take losing things to a whole new level.

Back to School kids lose stuff featured 1

How To Get Kids To Stop Losing Their Things

Kids do get better at keeping track of their things as they get older, but that doesn’t mean they won’t still lose stuff sometimes.

Chipolo key finder black replaceable battery featured

Save Precious Minutes With Chipolo Key Finders

Is one of your daily routines going back to pick up things that you forgot to take with you? There’s a simple solution to the lost things problem - you just need a...

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What Do The Icons In The Chipolo App Mean?

Each Chipolo can display a few different notification icons in the Chipolo app that will let you know if your Chipolo needs any special attention.

Chipolo one key finder bluetooth phone battery consumption

Bluetooth Drains Your Phone Battery: Myth Or Fact?

How much of your phone’s battery Bluetooth will consume depends on what gadget you’re connecting to your phone and why.