User's story

User story: A Lost Wallet Returned In Less Than 11 Hours!

Expected read time: 1 min

The Chipolo office is full of people constantly losing their things, and we can't decide if that's because we rely on our Chipolos more than most, or if it's just plain irony.

Lost-wallet-returned-with-Chipolo-blog Lost-wallet-returned-with-Chipolo-blog

Here's this weeks' best Lost & Found story from the Chipolo team:

I was on my way to a concert in Ljubljana and had to stop at a gas station. I went to wash my hands and put down my wallet down on a heater next to the sink. Of course, I forgot it there.

The funny thing is it took me half the concert to even notice. I had no problem getting in, because I had the ticket in my jacket pocket, but when I got to the bar and wanted to pay for the drinks, I couldn’t find my wallet. But I just thought I left it in the car, it wouldn’t be the first time.

I opened the Chipolo app to check and the map said, ‘Last seen in Domzale’. And I was like, ‘Oh, no.’ I remembered instantly where my wallet was, so I called the gas station and asked the girl working there to check. Sure enough, she found it on the heater and put it in their office for me to pick up.

By the time the concert was over, it was already too late for us to go there, but I got lucky because Andreas was coming in from the Ljubljana office the next day, so I just asked him to pick it up on the way.

I even marked the Chipolo Card in the wallet as lost and got a notification early next morning, when he picked it up, so I knew the wallet was on its way back to me.

Nika Kramzar, Chipolo CMO

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