
Why haven’t we thought of this before?

Expected read time: 1 min

Kids are a blessing and mine are the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. But since they grew into teenagers, sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder what planet these creatures are from and what they did to my sweet little children.

The only explanation I can come up with is that their priorities somehow don’t match those of regular human beings. Mismatched socks, t-shirts worn inside out, dishes in the most unusual places, their bag full of things they don’t need and missing things that they absolutely DO need. And my favorite game that never seems to end, called ‘Mom, where’s my phone/keys/wallet/backpack/…?’

Mother Teen 2 Mother Teen 2

Because keeping your things in the same place is so yesterday.

While I racked my brain trying to figure out how to get my children organized the old-fashioned way, my hubby stepped in and provided an alternative that became an instant hit.

He bought a pack of Chipolos and attached one to each thing that was being misplaced on a daily basis. Then he connected them to his phone and shared them to our phones as well. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes and if I had to guess, I’d say it saves us all at least 30 minutes a day since then.

Now, when we’re looking for something, we simply check the Chipolo app on our phones and make it ring. No more having to remember where everything is at that moment, no more worrying where my kids left their backpack or wallet and hoping it’s somewhere inside the house.

An unexpected benefit

And here’s the best part – because they’re basically glued to their phones, they now take initiative and find things without involving me in the process! I love our Chipolos and, more importantly, I love my hubby for thinking outside the box!

Anna, Seattle

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