"Chipolo is, inarguably, the loudest Bluetooth item tracker out there."


"These small devices connect to your smartphone over Bluetooth and help you locate misplaced items."


"Chipolo is the world’s loudest Bluetooth tracker, making it ideal for users to track items like a wallet, luggage, keys, phone and more."


"Whether it’s your phone, your keys, or heck, your entire suitcase, Chipolo can keep track of things for you."

Digital Trends

"I briefly considered purchasing — and I'm not exaggerating — 25 Chipolo trackers."

The Verge

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Kontakt za medije

Izpolni spodnji obrazec in kontaktirali te bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.

Hvala, za vaše povpraševanje na katerega vam bomo odgovorili v najkrajšem možnem času.

Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite ponovno kasneje.

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